Canal Rules & Bylaws

The pristine canal environment is important to us all to maintain high standards for amenity and property values. In maintaining this objective Pauanui Canals Management Ltd (PCML) has adopted the following rules:


  1. The installation of jetties and boat ramps must be approved by PCML in accordance with current resource consents issued by Waikato Regional Council and Thames Coromandel District Council.

  2. A maximum speed limit of 3 knots must be adhered to by all vessels within the canal system to avoid excessive wake and noise to mitigate potential disturbance to vessels, jetties, and foreshores. Normal marine navigational practice applies within the canal network.

  3. No permanent living on board within waterways is permitted.  

  4. No discharge of any sort from watercraft.

  5. No fish offal is to be disposed of in the canals.

  6. No boats are permitted to berth on or use a private jetty or boat ramp without the property owner's permission.

  7. The public jetty has a maximum loading and unloading time of 30 minutes.

  8. Watercraft must remain within the associated property mooring envelope and cannot obstruct or interfere with the public right of passage throughout the clearway of canals.

  9. No refueling is to be allowed/carried out within the waterways or areas such as boat ramps whereby there is a risk of any contamination entering the canals. All fueling is to be upon land and should be at an approved fueling facility.


Please ensure your family, friends and visitors are familiar with the above rules, which can be enforced by the regulators. Thank you for assisting in maintaining this special place.